Modded IDM worth it or not


Active member
May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
470 ohms1/2 - 2 watt will work but Shack only carried the 1/2 watt and that is what most all people have used A pack of 5 was $1.19

The resistor for the ebpv delete will go across the plug for the ebpv solenoid at the base of the pedestal. You can bend the two tails on the resistor and push them into the connectors ports. The resistor for the aih goes from the output of the aih relay to ground. Should be the one with the blue wire. You can solder some extra wire on to each tail to allow easy connection.

I think a number of the sensors use this limit as part of confirming operation so its worth a try on otehr ones. Other wise you can monitor the resistance and go from there with a multimeter.

EBPVresistor2.jpg the man......But....eeehhmmm.....these gloves kind of creep me out a bit.:demon:

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