Need Some Help


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Jul 7, 2014
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Ok I'm just going to lay this out here and see if I can get some help or direction. I work on cars quite a bit but a diesel is a new learning curve for me. I do not have deep pockets so figuring this out without spending a fortune or involving a shop would be the best outcome. I know I need to get this thing running because from what I read and pretty much know, letting this truck sit is only going to lead to more troubles. Here goes.....

The truck is a 2002 F350 Crew Cab Dully 4X4 with a 7.3. My father had the truck before me and was having some trouble getting to started before I took it off his hands. I replaced the glow plug regulator a soon as I got it home because you could visibly see it was bad. I also plan on replacing the glow plugs because even after I told him not to, he sprayed starting fluid in the engine. Since I believe the damage is already done to the glow plugs I did spray a little in the engine just to see if it would start. I know it's not good but, I needed to know if it would at least start and run. I did wait for the plugs to go out before I sprayed any in it. The truck did start and idle. I tried to take it down the road and after a bit of driving it, it didn't run smooth. I turned around and head back to the house and just before I got back in the driveway, the truck shut down. The engine just quit. It didn't do anything crazy like rattle or any out the ordinary noise. It just quite as if you rolled the key to shut it off. Now it will not start at all even with trying another squirt of starting fluid. I don't want to spay any more in it and damage anything else. I did get a little white/black smoke when trying to start it after it quit running. I am not sure how much my father sprayed in the engine but my fear is a lot because he still works on cars like they were built in 1960's. God love him but, Fire and a BFH are his go to tools. I am going to replace the glow plugs but what direction should I go from there. Please ask any question to help narrow this down. I work third shift type hours so I will check this as much as I can.

Powerstroke Man 6.4

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Jan 10, 2012
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Ok I'm just going to lay this out here and see if I can get some help or direction. I work on cars quite a bit but a diesel is a new learning curve for me. I do not have deep pockets so figuring this out without spending a fortune or involving a shop would be the best outcome. I know I need to get this thing running because from what I read and pretty much know, letting this truck sit is only going to lead to more troubles. Here goes.....

The truck is a 2002 F350 Crew Cab Dully 4X4 with a 7.3. My father had the truck before me and was having some trouble getting to started before I took it off his hands. I replaced the glow plug regulator a soon as I got it home because you could visibly see it was bad. I also plan on replacing the glow plugs because even after I told him not to, he sprayed starting fluid in the engine. Since I believe the damage is already done to the glow plugs I did spray a little in the engine just to see if it would start. I know it's not good but, I needed to know if it would at least start and run. I did wait for the plugs to go out before I sprayed any in it. The truck did start and idle. I tried to take it down the road and after a bit of driving it, it didn't run smooth. I turned around and head back to the house and just before I got back in the driveway, the truck shut down. The engine just quit. It didn't do anything crazy like rattle or any out the ordinary noise. It just quite as if you rolled the key to shut it off. Now it will not start at all even with trying another squirt of starting fluid. I don't want to spay any more in it and damage anything else. I did get a little white/black smoke when trying to start it after it quit running. I am not sure how much my father sprayed in the engine but my fear is a lot because he still works on cars like they were built in 1960's. God love him but, Fire and a BFH are his go to tools. I am going to replace the glow plugs but what direction should I go from there. Please ask any question to help narrow this down. I work third shift type hours so I will check this as much as I can.

I would throw a good scanner on the truck ie auto enginuity Ford IDS snap on etc (or code reader that will read ICP and IPR) to check for DTCs (codes). Also to check ICP (Injector Control Pressure) and IPR DC % while cranking. The truck needs at least 500 psi of ICP to start. Anything lower than that the truck will not start. Also check the oil and if it is low add did you notice if the SES light was on while/when the truck was running?
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May 18, 2011
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Arlington, Texas
Yes, you need a scanner, not one from the parts stores, they will do you no good. There may be someone close to you that can help you out.

However, without one, there are a few simple things you can do. Check fuel pressure, if you don't have a gauge, get a quart jar. There is a big round thing on the top front of the motor, that is the fuel bowl, behind that there is a yellow lever, that is the fuel bowl drain. turn it and fuel will come out the bottom of the motor, find the tube it is coming out of, put a hose on it and put it in your quart jar. Close the lever and turn the key on. Empty the jar. Have someone turn the key on and open the lever, the jar should fill up in 15 seconds. If it doesn't change the filter, the gasket goes pointy side up.

Check the HPOP oil level, the reservoir is right in front of the fuel bowl. You will see a allen head screw on the top of it. Pull the screw out and stick a wire\small screwdriver\stick or something else it the hole, oil should be close to the top.

Get back with us, we can help you get it running. Do not just throw parts at it, that can break the bank in a hurry.


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Jul 7, 2014
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Ok I'm going to try and bring this thread back alive. I have been so busy with my father and his illness, job change and lack of extra funds (because of helping him with his expenses) to dump in the Dually. Nothing has got done to it get it running but, I did open the valve covers and it seems thing might be pretty bad. I found 2 bent pushrods in the the number 4 cylinder. I attempted to put 2 new pushrods in but there seems to more trouble deeper in the engine. When turning the motor by hand all pushrods move except for the number 4 cylinder. There is no movement of the pushrods in the cylinder. Now I'm not sure if the lifters are damaged, the lobes are knocked off the cam or something else.
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Jun 22, 2011
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Upstate NY
Damn, good find! I definitely wouldn't have started under the VC's with all of the other possibilities, especially since it seemed to be running fine when it quit. I'm not sure why you would have 2 dead lifters on the same cylinder, and I'm not sure how the ether could have bent both the intake and exhaust push rod at the same time in the first place. Unless you broke one of the valves and it slammed the broken piece between the piston and the other valve. Just to make sure, are the new push tubes the same length as the originals? I know that they should fall out of the rocker arm and it should be obvious if they are too short. Maybe the bent tubes somehow lifted out of the cup on the lifters and beat the hell out of them, I've never seen that though. Usually unless you get a big enough combustion with ether that it blows an intake boot off, there isn't any major damage, and I've seen boots blow off and have motors that have been fine. Pull the #4 glow plug and inspect to see if something was smashing around the combustion chamber.

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