Recent content by ford141

  1. ford141

    *** ******

    It looks like the exhaust straight pipes are still available on ebay, and the exhaust is what it plugged. I haven't tried to order yet though, so I don't know if they would actually ship them or not. By the way, I'm amused that H&S still has ads running on this site...
  2. ford141

    *** ******

    I've been out of the game for quite a while since I sold my truck in 2015, but a buddy's truck has a plugged *** and he wants to ****** it. Not really looking for a big power bump, but 50hp would be nice. Looking for a cheap way to ******. Last time I bought a tuner H&S was still in...
  3. ford141

    Help? Carnage pics inside

    No, I don't think it was a repo, it was a fleet truck from down south from a large company. They push the broken trucks into the back lot and use them for parts, then send them to the auction. This one also had some parts missing from the engine, and stock steel wheels even though it was a...
  4. ford141

    Help? Carnage pics inside

    This is what my friend's 08 looks like. He bought the truck like this from the auction so no idea what happened. Front driveshaft was MIA and fuel lines were fubar'd too. Sent from the backwoods
  5. ford141

    DPC BS thread

    So Jesse took 2nd because of rain? I wanted to see a rematch race against miller! If he hooks it he had a shot.
  6. ford141

    New Gearhead tunes: Now what?

    Oh, I get it now. 1 engine file, 3 trans files. Awesome. Thanks for the help! I do have the unlock code. Sent from the backwoods
  7. ford141

    New Gearhead tunes: Now what?

    The 4th file says E-av2nti Sent from the backwoods
  8. ford141

    New Gearhead tunes: Now what?

    Do you know what the env2 file does? Sent from the backwoods
  9. ford141

    New Gearhead tunes: Now what?

    Yes, that does help. Thanks! As far as the 4 different files, does anyone know the difference between them? I see one says ECO, another says REG, then there one that has Hyb in the file name and a 4th as well. Sent from the backwoods
  10. ford141

    New Gearhead tunes: Now what?

    I just received my new Gearhead files. There are 4 of them, .mcc file extentions. What do I do with them now? Do I drop them in my "custom" folder? I'm running a Mini Maxx.
  11. ford141

    Serial number on H&S?

    He finally called me back and apparently I had filled out the form for an SCT tuner by mistake and that's where the serial number confusion comes in. He said he just needs the base file, and explained how to get that to him. I'm not up on a lot of this stuff, so I was confused.
  12. ford141

    Serial number on H&S?

    By engine file, do you mean the Engine file # that is listed in settings on the H&S? If so he already has that, I sent that when I paid for it last Wednesday. I'll send him the VIN too if it helps to speed it along.
  13. ford141

    Serial number on H&S?

    Hopefully this is the case. I'm still waiting on a reply from Gearhead. I didn't expect it to take this long.
  14. ford141

    Serial number on H&S?

    As far as the unlock code, do I just use that when I load the new gearhead tune?
  15. ford141

    Serial number on H&S?

    Ok, gearhead sent me an email saying they needed the serial number, and I replied saying it was N/A. I haven't got a response yet.

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