I got in contact just fine.
Neither he or the vendor I purchased the tunes from felt compelled to honor the 'lifetime free reburn' policy.
At that point I took it in the shorts and sold my custom tuned chip for what a TS blank goes for.
Not sure who the vendor you are talking about, but feel free to pm me the info.
As far as the contacting me, email is always the best, but by the time I get home from one job and start on the other, and try to answer phone calls, and get stuff done, it gets a little crazy.
Not an excuse, but an explanation. Morgan's 14 birthday would be tomorrow. It has been 14 months of pure hell since she died on June 26th, 2013 and not only has my outlook on life changed, but so have my priorities. I will take care of my family first.
You don't know what it is like to have to go sit thru an MRI with my youngest after having sat thru so many with Morgan, and looking in the machine and the things that go thru your mind. He has Crohn's disease, and has now had to start infusion therapy, now we have to right back to the same place we took Morgan so many times. My wife is not doing good, she lost her shadow, she can't go anywhere without a memory of doing it with Morgan, and now having to deal with the same folks at the clinic, it ain't easy.
I am not telling you guys this to make you feel sorry for me, or my family, I am simply telling you this to ask for a little patience when trying to get a hold of me for anything. Life simply sucks and it is hard to get thru it.