Charity Dyno Day for Morgan Wildman in Colorado 10/15


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May 18, 2011
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Thank you to everyone who touched this event in any way! I appreciate you all more than you know.
To see the outpouring for this wonderful family renders both me and Tony speechless (and anyone who knows Tony and/or I know that is a very difficult thing to do. lol).

We raised over $25,000 through this event for Morgan's medical care. I know that doesn't take away the pain, but at least it might make things a little easier financially for Tony and Donna. They are going through so much that most of us cannot even fathom.

And yes, to see the look on Morgan's, Tony's and Donna's faces during and after the event was so great.
Getting hugs from them all was even better.

I am blessed to know you all, and to be a part of this group.
Shay Black

That's awesome thanks for.organizing it!

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May 18, 2011
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Cheyenne, Wyoming
Thank you to everyone who touched this event in any way! I appreciate you all more than you know.
To see the outpouring for this wonderful family renders both me and Tony speechless (and anyone who knows Tony and/or I know that is a very difficult thing to do. lol).

We raised over $25,000 through this event for Morgan's medical care. I know that doesn't take away the pain, but at least it might make things a little easier financially for Tony and Donna. They are going through so much that most of us cannot even fathom.

And yes, to see the look on Morgan's, Tony's and Donna's faces during and after the event was so great.
Getting hugs from them all was even better.

I am blessed to know you all, and to be a part of this group.
Shay Black

Thats great so much was raised. I was amazed all day at how many people were there to show support. Glad me and my crew could help out and be a part of it.


May 18, 2011
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Philippians 4:19 says “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.

My family and I are still speechless from all that has transpired over the last couple of months. The generosity of the diesel “family” is simply amazing. We bicker and fight and talk smack about this or that, but when someone has a need, all that is put aside and we come together.

Let me give some quick history. My family has had more than its fair share of cancer related illness. I lost my Mother and Father to lung cancer. It has taken the lives of several cousins, numerous aunts and uncles on both sides, it is a terrible disease. On March 3, 2009, my wife and I heard the words no parent ever wants to hear. Your child has a brain tumor, we need to remove it. A few days later, we told something even harder to hear, “it is malignant”. To us, our world seemed to have stopped revolving and we went into a tailspin. Radiation therapy was done, we had faith that God would heal our little girl and we would be thru this and go on with our lives.

I know God has promised us in His Word that He will never give us more than we can handle. We never know how much we can handle. I wish that we could see the plan that God has for us, but we can’t so we just go on living our life. Then in May of this year, more bad news, the cancer was back. I thought it was tough the first time I heard that, but I wasn’t prepared for this. But we have to have faith, so we kept on living our life and trusting God and went thru the 3rd surgery. We know that God has a purpose for everything, and we know that Morgan was going thru this for a reason. We don’t know what it is, but we have seen God work in our lives. Morgan’s faith is tremendous, and I as a father should be the one who she leans on and gets strength from, but most of the time, it is the other way around. I learn something new from my children everyday, about faith, about trust, and what it means to have a God in Heaven that hears and comforts us in our time of need.

Like I said at first, God will supply all our need. Sometimes it isn’t just money that He supplies. Sometimes when you feel like your sitting out on an island in the middle of the ocean with a violent storm all around you, and feel so helpless and alone. God says peace be still and let Me show you.

We have been shown such kindness and love from so many people that we have never met, and from our local friends to our distant friends, that we can’t express how much it means to us.

I won’t try to single out anyone specific, because not only would it take too long, I would miss someone and don’t want to offend anyone by not mentioning them. But I would like to say to a couple of folks something.

To Kevin and Alicia Neal, thank you. Thank you for all that you do for our family. Your friendship and support are special, and that goes to all the NTXPSA group. We love you guys.

To Alan and Shay, what can we say. You know how much you mean to us and our family. We love you and are blessed to have you and your family in our lives.

For all the people that have been involved with our family during this time, thank you. Thank you for your support and love. We know you have been praying for us and the desire to help is simply amazing.

I want to personally thank the guys at Bullet Proof Diesel, Ken and Gene Neal. Andrew, Teresa and Jacob, thanks for taking your Saturday and spending it with us at the dyno day.

I cannot know why God chose our family for this, but maybe it was to simply show us, that the island really isn’t that small, there are a lot of people on it, and that the storm isn’t nearly as scary when we know we are not alone. We have the Lord and so many friends. We simply don’t have the words to express.

From my family and I, thank you. Thank you all for everything.


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May 16, 2011
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Your faith is inspirational T. Most people would turn their back on God in your situation.

That's one awesome little girl you have. May God bless and keep the Wildmans.

The outpouring from this diesel enthusiast community we share is amazing.....


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May 30, 2011
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I need to send you a new sticker for your tool box... lol

Sent from my DROIDX

Sure thing!!! That is awesome that it raised that much coin.I know it dosnt take away the pain but hopefully it will take a little bit of stress away!! It was a great time!!


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May 18, 2011
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Fort Collins, CO
I hope god continues to bless your family! It truly is inspiring to see someone strong enough to let god take the reigns in such a tough situation.

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