On my way to 500HP!


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May 19, 2011
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I simply asked how come you were upgrading the hpop when stock pump provides all the oil you will require for 175 stix

Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
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Winder, GA
I simply asked how come you were upgrading the hpop when stock pump provides all the oil you will require for 175 stix

One... I wanted to test the pump. Two... I'm not stopping at 175.

Now if you say the factory delivery system can not flow what the pump puts out. Can you please post the supporting data to prove that. Put a pressure gauge at the pump and a gauge at the end of the oil rail and see what the pressure drop is. If you have the same pressure at both gauges then the factory oil delivery system works fine. If you have 4000psi at the pump and 2500 at the end of the oil rail then I'll believe the oil delivery system isn't big enough. Until you show and prove that data. The riley fancy delivery system is nothing more than internet hype

This particular post had no reference to the HPOP, but whether there was any proof the stock delivery system was inadequate. I had already explained the tests we will be performing and gave a timeline. Simple enough.
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Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
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Winder, GA
And why the hell would you get an aftermarket pump....let alone a BILLET housed HPOP if it is just slightly better then the stock pumps performance?

Come on...go for the gusto!

I have reasons for going the way we did on the pump. I wanted to test from the bottom up, not from the top down. I want to KNOW where the limitations are. When the "stock" billet pump ceases to keep up, I'll get the Adrenaline. At least then I'll know how far I can go. :D

Extended Power

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May 24, 2011
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I have reasons for going the way we did on the pump. I wanted to test from the bottom up, not from the top down. I want to KNOW where the limitations are. When the "stock" billet pump ceases to keep up, I'll get the Adrenaline. At least then I'll know how far I can go. :D

....but isn't the "Billet" pump like a gazzillion dollars more?
Thats what I was kinda gettin at...(That if you spend that much, may as well go all out.)

Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
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Winder, GA
I just want to say that I didn't mean to come across as a prick, and I apologize if it was taken that way. It just irked me that it seemed like all of a sudden it became my problem to prove the HPO system issue, and then got crap because I hadn't posted any results yet. As I said, I'm happy to help further the knowledge base of the 6.0L and will definitely post my results when I have them. Just need some time to test.

That video clip is still funny, though. :D


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May 23, 2011
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Springville NY
Can't wait to hear what you come up with when you get the time to do so Bill. Gotta give ya a call tomorrow about a rollback strategy flash(VXAM7xx) for my truck.


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May 18, 2011
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Marshall Mi
i didn't think shawn was being a Dick toward you but bitching about bob not ever posting proof of the supposed inadequate oil system. Could be wrong though.

Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
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Winder, GA
i didn't think shawn was being a Dick toward you but bitching about bob not ever posting proof of the supposed inadequate oil system. Could be wrong though.

Not trying to talk for Bill but IIRC I remember him mentioning doing that in his test. He fully intends to put a guage on the pump and another one at the end on the rail and see what is what exactly because you are completely right.

I remember him saying it was goin to provide thhat info but no one has seen it yet.

Based on these two comments above, it didn't come across at being directed towards Bob, but actually at me. If he was referring to Bob's lack of supporting data, then that's fine and, again, I'll apologize for my reaction to the comments. It just sure didn't look that way.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. :D


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May 18, 2011
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Lubbock tx
Shawn has grudge/ beef with bob and his pump. Until the pump can prove it is a viable upgrade on a large injector with either dyno gains or some sort of data logging expect shawn to comment negatively.


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May 19, 2011
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Well if its a upgrade. Prove it. I offered to pay over and above retail price and he didn't want to deal with a canadian. So deal with it now.

Sorry to muck up your thread. Its a good one with you providing good info. Just didn't want to see you spend money on parts unproven

Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Winder, GA
Them darn Canadians... Always causing trouble. :D Must be from too much Molson's and Gibson's. LOL

Shawn, if you and Bob have a beef, that's fine. But, that's between you and him. Just don't come down on me because of it. Yes, I'm friends with Bob and yes, I consult with him on different aspects of the HPO systems on both the 7.3L and the 6.0L. I respect his knowledge and experience because he has earned it from me. He has never BS'd me on any aspects of the HPO systems and my own testing of his products has substantiated each and every claim he has made. I have no reason to suspect that he's BS'ing me on the HPO systems for the 6.0L or the benefits of the HPODS or the Adrenaline HPOP, but my own testing will verify whether his claims are true or not. It's that simple.

I work very hard to provide impartial, substantiated, and documented test results on EVERY product we install on our trucks, as well as on most of our customer's trucks. We have thousands of dollars in testing equipment, our own dyno, and over 25 years experience in the automotive performance industry, with nearly 15 years alone tuning the 7.3L PSD and nearly 8 years on the 6.0L PSD. I'm not afraid to try things on our own personal test vehicles and if we break an engine (which fortunately hasn't happened yet) then we know just how far is TOO far. We'll just rebuild and start over. Our goal is to not only provide reliable products and services to our own customers, but to be able to substantiate our claims with verifiable documentation and then provide that information to the general public so they can make a more educated decision on not only what is going to work on their truck, but work safely and work as advertised.

So, with that said, I ask you to keep an open mind about things and please keep your issues with Bob out of this discussion. It's just not productive or relevant to this discussion. When we finish our testing and post our information then you can make your decision, and if the information is negative towards the pump or the HPODS, then by all means you're welcome to start with the "I told you so" stuff. However, until the testing is finished I am going to continue under the premise that the relevant information that has been provided to me is accurate until proven otherwise. There is a difference between being skeptical and being cynical. A skeptic will look at the problem and work towards a solution, even if one is not possible. A cynic has already made up their mind that something will not work and makes no effort to go any further. Don't be a cynic.

Also, just for reference, the HPODS arrived today. Now if I can just get my injectors in from Casserly I can begin work on the truck. This is NOT going to be a 1 or 2 day test project and fully expect this to take 2-3 weeks to complete, so please... BE PATIENT! :D

Take care.
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Active member
May 18, 2011
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Just removed a bunch of crap from here. Keep it on track.


Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
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Winder, GA
Well, looks like my injectors will be here Friday and we'll get to start tearing into the 6.0L. :D

First, I want to say many... MANY... MANY thanks to Ryan Casserly at Full Force and Bob Riley at DieselSite for all their help and suggestions. They have gone above and beyond what I could have ever expected, and tolerated every stupid question I had. Despite the fact that we associate on a professional level, they are also great friends and have my respect for their knowledge and expertise. I enjoy learning as much as I enjoy teaching, and for them to take the time to educate me and then to be able to take that knowledge and pass it on is a blessing for me. Also, thanks to the guys over at Akins Ford in Winder who keep me well supplied with parts. :D

Now, with the collection of parts accumulating, we will begin first stages of testing this weekend. I'm still determining the order in which I want to install the components as to provide the most usable reference data possible without causing a severe complications with the truck. I'll have my final assortment of testing procedures lined out by Friday and will see if anyone has any suggestions or specific tests they'd like to see take place. I'm open to ideas, but please keep in mind that this is MY test platform and process and if I chose to disregard a request, well that's my choice.

So far, here's the bolt-on stuff...

For testing:
  • Edge CTS with:
    • 2 Thermocouples (Left and Right Manifold - Measure bank output consistency. Not SUPER accurate, but helpful.)
    • 3 Fuel Pressure Sensors (Fuel Bowl, Left Head, Right Head - To measure Fuel Pressure drop at any point in the system.)
    • 2 ICP Sensors (Stock Location in Head and a Secondary at the HPOP - To Measure any possible ICP deficiency in the stock lines/rails. Also for testing the efficacy of the HPODS)
  • TFX Cylinder Pressure Testing Equipment (especially for testing CP differences with different FICM tuning.)
  • EyeSpy High Speed Datalogging Equipment
  • Go Pro Hero2 Video Camera (for audible noise testing and video logging of CTS data.)

For Performance:
  • Diamond Eye 4" Exhaust (No muffler for testing.)
  • Full Force Diesel Injectors
  • DieselSite Billet HPOP
  • DieselSite HPODS (High Pressure Oil Delivery System.)
  • 2005 90º Manifold Inlet (To facilitate the removal of the EGR Throttle Butterfly.)
  • Banjo Bolts
  • "Blue" Spring
  • Rev-X Additive (Oil and Fuel.)
  • EGR Delete (Already Installed.)
  • Head Studs (Already Installed.)
  • Snow Performance Water/Methanol Kit (Already Installed.)

Still need:
  • Extra P/S Valve Cover (For the HPODS kit. Can't run without it!)
  • Cold Air Intake (May just go TYMAR style.)
  • Transmission (Hopefully not ANY TIME soon!)
  • Intake Manifold (Steve... Are you listening? Can ya help a brother out???)

I think that's about it. We're gonna change the oil and filters before we tear into everything as I expect we're gonna end up with several hundreds (if not thousands) of miles of testing before we're through. Crap, that reminds me... I need to grease bearings on the dyno, too! Always something. LOL

Getting close, guys. Since I'm limited to weekends for this sort of testing, this may take up to 3 weeks to get everything installed, tested, documented, and posted, but I will be posting results as I go. I'm sorry it is taking so long, but I promise you that it will be well worth the wait! Keep in mind that this engine has 285K on the bottom end with only a head job, studs, Black Onyx gaskets, and an EGR delete. It's nothing fancy... Just like may trucks out there already. While we're doing this testing primarily to satisfy our own curiosity, we're also doing it to show everyone out there just what works, what doesn't, and what is possible in regards to building not only a strong, but reliable high-performance truck.

Take care.

Power Hungry

Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Winder, GA
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Active member
May 18, 2011
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Black Onyx gaskets?

Thought those were a no-no?

Or did I miss where that was already talked about?

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