Redneck, cheap dual hpop


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May 18, 2011
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Nevermind...I found it.
I'm sure you've seen my response by now.


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May 20, 2011
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Austin, TX
if that were true you'd make more than 700hp

my hybrids do hold on to oil pressure. stock pump has proven to make over 1100hp, riley setup has proven a max of 700hp. so with proven facts, i'm making my own setup cause i'm looking at making more than 1100hp now, goin to stroke my injectors and need more oil. seeing how rileys setup has only proven 700hp. thats why i'm going down a different road

I will apologize for the long post here, but I'm done listening to this BS.

Shawn you are so full of ****. Lets get the BS out of the way. I kept my mouth shut as I have considered you a descent guy, but ***k it obviously you don't have a problem being an asshole so let me for a minute stoop to your level. Here's the deal. YOU called Dieselsite several years ago just after I had talked to bob about testing his pump in my motor. You told Cheryl, (sorry if I spelled it wrong again), You had the Highest HP 6.0 on the planet and they needed to send you one of their pumps. They told you no thanks they had already had several people that were testing their pumps out. You have been all butt hurt with Bob since. Every chance you get you try to discredit anything Bob makes. I can show you 100 instances on 3 different forums. If you are so sure it doesn't work please enlighten the world on the extensive research you have done.

Secondly please tell me where in the hell you are getting your 700 hp number from on my truck. Seriously don't beat around the bush, tell me what you are using to base that upon. Did you sneak it on the dyno while I wasn't looking? Are you basing it upon the times I have run? If so your missing about 320 feet of track because to date I haven't made a single solid pass. If you will humor me with a brief recap of history, motor 1 TP puts an oil filter system on it that is not only too tight, but plumbed backwards as to not allow it to bypass, which made it make no power from a total lack of not only HP oil, but Oil in general. Also the up pipes split in 5 places in 3 passes.

Here are a few pics to help refresh your memory before you start in with the BS you tried before that TP had made quality parts I was just in the "good ole boys club" so I was getting a pass:






Next lets revisit the motor after the rebuild by Texas Diesel Power. Solid motor, completely different beast, but it twisted up the frame on launch so bad from the torque it was dead scary on the launch so I had to get out of it on every launch at the same time we were pushing through the brakes so we added the pinion brake:

Oops, lifted the heads and blew the freeze plug out the back and nearly put it in the wall like Ben. Why did I lift the heads? No intercooler and it got so hot we melted the IAT sensor:


We solved that with water injection, a system capable of 0-2600 PSI designed by Joe Hellmann. Oh yeah and we upgraded to these:

We also solved the twisting by adding the Anti-Roll bar at the same time

Now fast fwd to TS were there we made the first pass and blew the water line but couldn't see where it was coming from so I pulled it to the side....1.46 60' leaving with about 15 PSI boost, still spinning the tires through 30-40 feet. Second run Hell of a run still lifting at about 1000 when the water hose, (you know the one you offered to help with, ((and as I said thanks)) finally blew the big hole in it and sprayed the windshield down. No time slip due to them leaving the lights in test mode after the Suncoast truck oiled the entire length of the track down. Final run, blowing the tires out and lifting just past the 1/8th.

So again, please enlighten the group of underlings here on just what you are Bob's pump not working......although it carries over 4000 PSI throughout the entire power band......and your no more than 700 HP out of my truck. DOn't beat around the bush, answer the question. What are you using for your data?

Finally, don't stab me in the back and then act like my buddy. Stuffing a big motor into a full size truck and running times right off the bat isn't all that hard. You have done very well and should be proud. Cram all that **** into something this small and work through the bugs like I have then come talk to me. Until then keep your knife out of my and Bobs back. While I'm not too concerned, I would sure as hell bet Bob's getting tired of your harassment and slander to the point a civil suit wouldn't be unjustified.
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May 19, 2011
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Sorry tim I appologize for useing you as a example.

There's two sides to every story. I offered to pay FULL price even though he was asking for beta testers. He told me he didn't want to deal with a canadian because of shipping across the border if there were any issues.

Then he told me he was interested in high hp trucks only at the time. And that's when I told him I currently owned a high if not the highest hp 6L at the time. And again I did offer to pay full price just to get one of his pumps.

Like I said two sides to every story. He is your freind so you will believe him which is fine.

Yes I will continue to question where the proof is everytime his product is mentioned. Richard said it on psn. I'm an a$$hole. I guess I should act like one then


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May 18, 2011
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I have to agree with shawn on this one in some aspects. He doesnt want to spend any more money than he has to, to get where he wants to be, sure bobs pump might work in theory but no one truely KNOWS how much HP its capable of.

Tim is a bad example though, he has had nothing but bad luck from the begining, so in time im sure he will prove what its capable of... unless he has a dyno number hes not telling anyone about :poke:


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May 20, 2011
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Austin, TX
Maybe I should restate the not so obvious to some. Bobs pump does not produce horsepower. It produces consistent high pressure oil throughout the full range of rpm and power. To say a larger turbo doesn't make horsepower would be accurate as well. Alone it does not, it creates more air to use in conjunction with additional fuel, etc.......

Bobs pump works to create "big oil" for the 6.0 as it has been come to be called.

Shawn I don't mind you using me, I just want to know where you are getting your data to make the HP claims you are. If your going to throw numbers out its important to be factual. I would be no more accurate saying I have 2000 hp.

When you have had your ass kicked by a truck like I have, you either get upset and give up or trudge on and grow thicker skin.


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May 18, 2011
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It produces consistent high pressure oil throughout the full range of rpm and power.

ICP is the crippler or enabler on all things HEUI, been wondering why more than steady pressure was needed.


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May 20, 2011
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Austin, TX
Exactly. The goal is to have enough to hold the pressure. Making too much pressure only burns up oil pumps.


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May 19, 2011
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like tim said, all we are trying todo is maintain 4000psi, if you had stock injectors and icp was low, you would be looking for an oil leak, the resistance to flow is where pressure comes in, now if the pump is to small for the oil required to maintain 4k, thats when you need a bigger pump, its a hard concept but hydraulic training says pressure and pump flow have nothing todo with each other, however if the pump is to small for the oil requaired you'll never achieve max pressure. it sounds screwed up and it is lol


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May 18, 2011
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like tim said, all we are trying todo is maintain 4000psi, if you had stock injectors and icp was low, you would be looking for an oil leak, the resistance to flow is where pressure comes in, now if the pump is to small for the oil required to maintain 4k, thats when you need a bigger pump, its a hard concept but hydraulic training says pressure and pump flow have nothing todo with each other, however if the pump is to small for the oil requaired you'll never achieve max pressure. it sounds screwed up and it is lol

Who is this aimed at?


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May 18, 2011
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Stafford VA
Shawn why not just give it a try ? As much money as some of us spent over the years in our trucks, why not give it a try and see ?


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May 19, 2011
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Give what a try if your replying to me buying a Riley pump. Not a chance. His wife was super nice on the phone. Weather he was having a bad day or not. He told me that day he didn't want to deal with a canadian. Everyone can pass me, make more hp than me don't care. But I will never support him,


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May 19, 2011
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Now that doesn't mean other people shouldn't buy it. I have a problem with him. Not the product. Yes I hope the product works. Its looks to be of good quality. I remember talking to you on the phone and we both agreed it was the best option for you. Everyone that has one is happy, but to date have not seen any true back to back dyno or 1/4 mile times to prove its a upgrade. Same injectors, dyno. Swap pump and dyno again with no changes other than pump and then that's true gains. Seat of the pants don't work


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May 21, 2011
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we just know how you "North of the Border" guys are,, fabbin your own parts, being fast, and winning!:poke:

its just that one lol. he is a breed of his own. heres my question though. why would shawn spend the money to buy a aftermarket hpop if he has the skills and resources to build his own stuff and make it work.

CenTex Diesel

May 18, 2011
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New Braunfels
Shawn are you going to add another low pressure pump to help with the added volume of the second high pressure pump? Or can you just draw straight from the oil pan? Where are you going to feed the high pressure line into?

I have an engine and a set of 430s sitting here. I am waiting to put it in something when I can run the 430s to their max output. I got tired of dealing with low ICP!

I hope this works out for you.

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