6.0 Class Action Law Suit..


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May 3, 2012
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West Bend, WI
Well, I got the letter a couple days ago. I didn't even bother to take the time to read it entirely to see if I qualify. I purchased my 6.0 knowing full well the many shortcomings of the engine, and I planned on having to spend money to make it reliable. I would not have purchased it if I was afraid of working on it or wasn't prepared to spend the money to fix it. How is it Ford's fault that I decided to buy a motor with known issues? It's not, yes they should have made it better, but I made the educated decision to purchase it despite the problems, now I am financially responsible for dealing with my decision.


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May 18, 2011
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Flo Rida
The class action lawsuit is very real. Not sure what happened with your friend, but this is legit.

Binder man

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Jan 6, 2013
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file 13'd mine as well. This is the problem with our country right now, to many ***ing lawsuits. I'm not about to jump on that bandwagon. When you buy a automobile you take the risk of it being a pile of dog ****, or you wait it out a year or two to see the true issues. Anything with four wheels is a piece of ****, just ask anyone that owns a repair shop.


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May 18, 2011
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Flo Rida
If I spend over $50k for a new vehicle, no one better expect me to be happy if it's a pile of dog chit.


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May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
Yeah exactly, for the guys who bought them new, it's not their fault Ford couldn't put together a reliable setup. I bought mine used, after researching it, I knew what I was getting in to.


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May 18, 2011
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Flo Rida
Purchased mine brand new in 2005. Build was completed on 03/17/05 and delivered on 04/01/05. Anyone see the irony that the build was completed on St. Patrick's Day and the truck was delivered on April Fool's Day? LOL

167k miles on the clock, and prior to my warranty expiring I had to replace a turbo, several injectors, and head gaskets (to include new heads). After the warranty expired, I can remember replacing:

8 injectors twice
2 FICM's
2 oil coolers
2 alternators
2 turbos
Head gaskets twice
Batteries twice
Y-pipe (cracked bellow)
Water pump
Fan clutch
Hub seals and vacuum pump

And a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. Some of these are to be expected. What was not expected was that I'd have to buy gauges and watch them like a hawk. Or keep from panicking every time I smell coolant. I've been conditioned to look under my truck for a fresh puddle every time I get out. Kinda sad when you think about it.

Notice my EGR cooler isn't listed? Probably the only part that was able to be deleted before it failed. LOL


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May 3, 2012
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West Bend, WI
Well sir, if your truck was suck a monstrous pile of sh!t, what on earth possessed you to keep it after the warranty expired? You had plenty of time while it was under warranty to see the number of things that could and apparently did go wrong with it, yet you decided to keep it. How on earth is that Ford's fault? Maybe I am one of the few who still takes responsibility for my own decisions, so I don't understand the logic here. So Ford made a crappy motor and you bought it thinking it would be good, like it should have been. That is on Ford, but no one made you keep it once the warranty expired. That is on you.


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May 18, 2011
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Flo Rida
Pretty simple actually. I'd lose my azz on what I've spent in aftermarket parts. And other than the reliability issues, I like the rest of the truck. It's also less expensive to do things like head studs, Bulletproof FICM and oil cooler, etc than to get into another vehicle and start making payments again.

Take another look at what was fixed under warranty. The list is pretty short. No way I could use that as justification for getting rid of the truck, nor was it an accurate predictor of what was to come.

The point being, no one should have to make that kind of investment to make an engine reliable. Apparently, there are millions of other people who feel the same way. Are you really trying to say that the problems with my 6.0 are my fault because I made a decision to keep the truck? C'mon man.

Maybe I need one of those "Don't laugh. It's paid for" bumper stickers? LOL

I also try to be optimistic. I keep thinking "that should be the end of it" after the Bulletproof FICM/oil cooler/water pump, fresh head gaskets, heads that were checked and decked, ARP studs, a DC Power alternator, Sears Diehard Platinum's, and a laundry list of other upgrades.
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May 18, 2011
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Well sir, if your truck was suck a monstrous pile of sh!t, what on earth possessed you to keep it after the warranty expired? You had plenty of time while it was under warranty to see the number of things that could and apparently did go wrong with it, yet you decided to keep it. How on earth is that Ford's fault? Maybe I am one of the few who still takes responsibility for my own decisions, so I don't understand the logic here. So Ford made a crappy motor and you bought it thinking it would be good, like it should have been. That is on Ford, but no one made you keep it once the warranty expired. That is on you.

I see your posts and your not getting the fact that a guy goes out and buys a 40-50 thousand dollar truck and then has to make it reliable.. You see nothing wrong with that picture? You are implying that the people posting here and everywhere else that will take the money from the suit are irresponsible people.. FORD was irresponsible, don't you get that?

I have had at least 20 new Ford trucks over the years and never have I had to make one them reliable because Ford didn't..


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May 18, 2011
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Flo Rida
I plan to play along with the litigation. If I get something, great. I'll view it as offsetting part of what I've spent for head studs, the FICMs, the EGR delete, and the oil coolers. You know, the things that fail frequently on the 6.0 that led to the success of several companies who offered upgraded parts. If I don't get anything, no big deal. I'm keeping the truck for the foreseeable future and already made my investment without expecting anything in return.


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May 3, 2012
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West Bend, WI
Pretty simple actually. I'd lose my azz on what I've spent in aftermarket parts. And other than the reliability issues, I like the rest of the truck. It's also less expensive to do things like head studs, Bulletproof FICM and oil cooler, etc than to get into another vehicle and start making payments again. That was a decision YOU had to make, based on the cost/benefit in your situation. My point is you made that decision and have to live with it, no different than someone who buys a used 6.0 because they can't afford a new truck with a warranty.

Take another look at what was fixed under warranty. The list is pretty short. No way I could use that as justification for getting rid of the truck, nor was it an accurate predictor of what was to come. Turbo, injectors, headgaskets. Those are pretty big ticket items. Like everyone says things that big shouldn't be failing that early. That is why warranties only last a certain amount of time, the manufacturer sets the length of warranty to minimize the number of large cost claims they see.

The point being, no one should have to make that kind of investment to make an engine reliable. So apparently vehicles over 100k miles should be just like they were when they rolled out of the showroom...Apparently, there are millions of other people who feel the same way. Are you really trying to say that the problems with my 6.0 are my fault because I made a decision to keep the truck? C'mon man. The problems are not your fault. But, you made the decision to keep it after the warranty when Ford would no longer foot the bills for the repairs. Are you trying to tell me that the manufacturer should warranty the engine for ever? C'mon man.

Maybe I need one of those "Don't laugh. It's paid for" bumper stickers? LOL

I also try to be optimistic. I keep thinking "that should be the end of it" after the Bulletproof FICM/oil cooler/water pump, fresh head gaskets, heads that were checked and decked, ARP studs, a DC Power alternator, Sears Diehard Platinum's, and a laundry list of other upgrades.

The point is, you decided to keep the truck, for whatever reason, you are responsible for that decision. If I go to the race track and bet on a horse and it loses. Am I supposed to go after the owner of the horse to get my money back?

I see your posts and your not getting the fact that a guy goes out and buys a 40-50 thousand dollar truck and then has to make it reliable.. You see nothing wrong with that picture? You are implying that the people posting here and everywhere else that will take the money from the suit are irresponsible people.. FORD was irresponsible, don't you get that?

I have had at least 20 new Ford trucks over the years and never have I had to make one them reliable because Ford didn't..

I am sure you can tell lots about me from my two posts in this thread. If a guy goes out and buys a 40-50 thousand dollar truck, that truck comes with a warranty where, yes it may be a little bit of a pain, but largely doesn't cost him a penny to have Ford take responsibility for their screw ups. If said person, having seen the number of times the truck has been in the Ford dealership for repairs, decides to keep it after the warranty expires, that person is in fact responsible for repairing the truck. Once the warranty is over, it is not Ford's responsibility anymore. The warranty can't last forever, don't you get that?

This suit is just an example of what is wrong with the world we live in, no one is willing to take responsibility for their own decisions, and have the attitude that when something doesn't go right, it is never my fault.

Go along with the suit if you want, that is also your decision, but I won't be. All that will happen is a few rich people get a little richer and people who have actually owned 6.0s may see a few bucks. Take your wife out to dinner or something, because we all know it won't be nearly enough to buy any parts for your truck LOL


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May 18, 2011
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The point is, you decided to keep the truck, for whatever reason, you are responsible for that decision. If I go to the race track and bet on a horse and it loses. Am I supposed to go after the owner of the horse to get my money back?

I am sure you can tell lots about me from my two posts in this thread. If a guy goes out and buys a 40-50 thousand dollar truck, that truck comes with a warranty where, yes it may be a little bit of a pain, but largely doesn't cost him a penny to have Ford take responsibility for their screw ups. If said person, having seen the number of times the truck has been in the Ford dealership for repairs, decides to keep it after the warranty expires, that person is in fact responsible for repairing the truck. Once the warranty is over, it is not Ford's responsibility anymore. The warranty can't last forever, don't you get that?

This suit is just an example of what is wrong with the world we live in, no one is willing to take responsibility for their own decisions, and have the attitude that when something doesn't go right, it is never my fault.

Go along with the suit if you want, that is also your decision, but I won't be. All that will happen is a few rich people get a little richer and people who have actually owned 6.0s may see a few bucks. Take your wife out to dinner or something, because we all know it won't be nearly enough to buy any parts for your truck LOL

I now have a Ford warranty for the next six years so I wont need to buy parts, if there is something not right with the truck, Ford will fix it like they should.. I know were you comming from with the "it's never my fault attitude" but I disagree with the fact that you think it is the consumers fault if they buy a truck with a motor that is plagued with issues and not the manufactures..


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May 18, 2011
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Flo Rida
I am sure you can tell lots about me from my two posts in this thread.

So far I'm underwhelmed.

If I go to the race track and bet on a horse and it loses. Am I supposed to go after the owner of the horse to get my money back?

You experiences must differ widely from my own. I've never viewed going to the dealership to buy a brand new vehicle as a gamble.

I am sure you can tell lots about me from my two posts in this thread. If a guy goes out and buys a 40-50 thousand dollar truck, that truck comes with a warranty where, yes it may be a little bit of a pain, but largely doesn't cost him a penny to have Ford take responsibility for their screw ups.

Have you ever even owned a new vehicle? Doesn't cost a penny, huh? Other than being stranded, leaving the vehicle and wondering if it's going to be broken into, having it towed to the dealership, the time without a vehicle while it's being repaired (or being stuck in some econobox that you wouldn't buy if it was the last car on Earth), and paying the deductible (usually around $100), you're right. It doesn't cost hardly a penny. A lot of 6.0 owners were "lucky" enough to go through all this multiple times because the same part failed over and over again.

Once the warranty is over, it is not Ford's responsibility anymore. The warranty can't last forever, don't you get that?

No chit? Well thanks for explaining that. I was totally confused how the warranty worked. But an oil cooler replaced at 90k miles shouldn't fail again at 105k miles. Just AFTER the warranty expires.

This suit is just an example of what is wrong with the world we live in, no one is willing to take responsibility for their own decisions, and have the attitude that when something doesn't go right, it is never my fault.

This almost sounds like something that a Ford Public Affairs rep would say to get out of things. "It's your fault, Mr. Customer, for choosing to continue to own one of our products." Take that weak sauce somewhere else.

Go along with the suit if you want, that is also your decision, but I won't be. All that will happen is a few rich people get a little richer and people who have actually owned 6.0s may see a few bucks. Take your wife out to dinner or something, because we all know it won't be nearly enough to buy any parts for your truck LOL

Did you even read the letter? Be honest -- there were too many big words in there for you, you got frustrated, and just threw it out. Right?
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